JUDICIARY Latest Features

IJM Officials Pay Courtesy Call on CJ
Officials from IJM with the Chief Justice at his chambers

Kampala. Officials from the International Justice Mission (IJM) paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice, Hon.Justice Bart M. Katureebe, in his chambers at the High Court.

The IJM officials who were led by IJM's Vice President of Regional Operations Africa, Ms Claire Wilkinson, briefed the Chief Justice on the activities that have so far been lined up in the implementation of the MOU signed between Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS) and IJM.

The officials reiterated IJM's support in setting up mobile courts and boosting the Judiciary registry and record management system.

Since the signing of the MOU in October, 2017, IJM officials have been to Court of Appeal, the Family Division of the High Court and Gulu High Court circuit with a view of seeing how they can support the Judiciary in improving registries.

The support will be in terms of infrastructure and training the people that manage these registries.

Another area of consideration related to deepening of the Judiciary collaboration is to strengthen adjudication in the area of Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

The meeting was attended by the Chief Registrar, HW Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa, JLOS Senior Technical Advisor, Ms Rachel Odoi-Musoke, Judiciary Technical Advisor,Mr Andrew Khaukha and the Chief Justice's Private Legal Secretary, HW Boniface Wamala.

Posted 9th, February 2018
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